Detroit Thermal delivers clean steam energy through an extensive, redundant, underground network that runs throughout the greater downtown Detroit area and services more than 100 buildings. The steam is used for space heating, domestic hot water heating absorption chilling, humification, cooking, sterilization and beer brewing

Produced with clean-burning natural gas, our reliable system offers building owners and facilities managers several important advantages.
Keep It Simple —
Having Detroit Thermal provide your heating and cooling needs leaves you free to focus on your core business.

Lower labor & capital costs.
Using our system eliminates the need to buy, install, operate and maintain your own, capital-intensive boilers and chillers.
Better reliability.
Our system includes 17 boilers in four separate steam generation facilities and redundant steam loops, to ensure reliable service 24/7/365. It is no wonder institutions like Detroit Medical Center depend on Detroit Thermal.
More environmentally friendly.
Detroit Thermal’s steam is produced with clean-burning natural gas, which helps lower your building’s, and Detroit’s, carbon footprint.
More space available for profitable uses.
Boilers take up a large amount of otherwise valuable space within a building. By using Detroit Thermal, you can put that space to work more profitably.
Greater simplicity.
Having Detroit Thermal meet your needs for heating and cooling leaves you free to concentrate on your core business. It also reduces the need to store chemicals and fuel on your site.

Service Area Map
Sometimes referred to as “district energy,” our service is an alternative to the cost and complexity of operating on-site steam boilers, water chillers or other energy systems.

Detroit Thermal Customer,
Daniel J. Loepp, Pres. & CEO Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Save Money and Time
Learn how [customer name] has saved [X%] over [time period] with Detroit Thermal energy — and learn how your business can save with a no-obligation analysis.
What Our Customers Are Saying —
"As a testament to the working relationship developed in the past six years between the DMC and Detroit Thermal, and the value your service provides, we decided to re-commit to the district steam system for an additional 10 years."

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